Support Services

Job Placement

Training and orientation internships up to 6 months

They are intended for individuals who have obtained a degree within and no later than 12 months from the activation of the internship and are aimed at facilitating career choices in the period of transition from school to work through a first experience in the world of work.

Internship for insertion ore re-insertion to work up to 12 months

They are intended for first-time job seeker or unemployed persons or for workers on the move or layoffs, in this case on the basis of specific agreements relating to active labour policy measures linked to the benefit of social welfare programs.

Internship for orientation and/or insertion or re-insertion to work up to 12 months

They are intended for persons with disabilities pursuant to law n ° 68/99, for disadvantaged persons, for asylum seekers and holders of international and humanitarian protection, for persons on social protection paths pursuant to Article 18 of Legislative Decree 286 / 98.

Summer internship for orientation up to 3 months

hey are intended for young people and adolescents regularly enrolled in a cycle of studies at universities or high schools, whether they have completed their compulsory schooling or are still under the compulsory education and training. This type of internship can only be activated in the summer period during the suspension of school activity and is aimed at facilitating professional choices through the acquisition of experiences and skills that can be spent in the world of work.

The YES I START UP Project aims to create targeted training courses and personalized counselling to provide NEETs (young people aged 18 to 29 who do not study, do not attend training courses and do not work) registered in the Youth Guarantee Program, the skills necessary for the start-up and management of the business. The young NEET will be accompanied to be able to recognize and develop their entrepreneurial attitudes, will be trained on the general notions of business management, will be informed about the network of institutional actors and useful tools for doing business. In detail, the path is divided into two sections:
  • PHASE A: basic training modules of 60 hours in total, to be carried out in the classroom (minimum 4 to maximum 12 students) or for small groups (maximum 3 students); the classroom training can be combined with remote interactions with students who have the opportunity to interact in live streaming for a maximum of 24 hours out of 60;
  • PHASE B: a personalized support and technical-specialist assistance module, delivered individually or for small groups (maximum 3 students) lasting 20 hours.

Youth Guarantee is a vast program of active employment policies promoted and funded by the EU, which with various interventions dedicated to unemployed young people aged between 15 and 35, aims to encourage their employment.

Measures 1.A and 1.B: Reception, taking in charge and profiling

During the start-up phase, the officials of the Employment Centre welcome young people at their counters and provide them information on the measures envisaged and assistance on joining the Youth Guarantee (Measure 1.A). Subsequently, with a further interview, they verify the requirements, perform the profiling of the young person and make the stipulation of the Service Agreement, in which the indication of the chosen measure appears. In the next step they refer to the other operators authorized to provide subsequent services and to manage the specialized measures (Measure 1.B).

Measures 1.C: Specialist or II level orientation

Preliminary measure for the reconstruction of the framework of skills possessed by the young person, of his preferences and inclinations and for the exploration of previous training and professional experiences in order to develop a personalized professional project, while preparing the strategies for its realization.

Measure 2.A: Training targeted to work insertion

Group training courses to obtain a language certification of a level not lower than B1, and an IT certification also recognized abroad.

Measure 2.C: Recruitment and training

Individual training activities of the young person hired, facilitating hers/his job placement.

Measure 3: Assistance to work insertion

Measure aimed at scouting employment opportunities, promoting the professional profile in companies and assisting the young person until the signing of a fixed-term or permanent employment contract.

Measure 5: Extracurricular internship

Activation of six-monthly training courses (12 months for disabled and disadvantaged people) in direct contact with the world of work. The courses provide a participation allowance of € 300 (€ 500 for the disabled and disadvantaged) and the certification of the skills acquired.

Measure 7.1: Training/consulting and assistance paths for th support to self-employment

Activities addressed to young people for the acquisition of the skills necessary for the activation of their own business project and related supporting services for its establishment.


Organization of training courses on the topics of health and safety protection in the workplace.

Organization of training courses carried out through the European structural funds: integrated projects, dedicated and targeted training courses, integrated courses with active employment policies.

Implementation of training plans for the structural measurement of the Formazione 4.0 tax credit to support companies in the process of technological and digital transformation and for access to the New Skills Fund, established by the Relaunch Decree of 19 May 2020.

Design and delivery of continuos training plans through the use of interprofessional funds

Adaptation of workers' skills to the development needs of companies; promotion of the opportunities offered by Interprofessional Funds to businesses, analysis of company training needs for the design of training plans with the use of resources set aside in company accounts or resources announced through public notices.

Design and delivery of training initiatives on safety at workplace pursuant to D.Lgs 81/2008

With the authorization of the DASOE Department - Department of Health Activities and epidemiological observatory - Service 3 "PROTECTION of HEALTH and SAFETY in WORKPLACES".

With training through the use of Interprofessional Funds, companies can access fundamental resources for the development of the skills of their employees without any additional burden (companies in any production sector).